Trademark requirements can also refer to the conditions that are necessary for a product to receive a trademark.To be eligible for a trademark, a mark must be:
- In use
- Distinctive
Trademark requirements include details such as contact information and product description information that you must provide when you apply for a trademark
Every signer must show valid (not expired) photo identification. All identification must contain a photo, a physical description, a signature and a serial number. California recognizes the following types of identification if issued within the last 5 years:
Provide your name and address as owner of the trademark.
State the entity type (individual or corporation) and your national citizenship.
Demonstrate actual use or a real intent to use the trademark in commerce.
Give a detailed description of the product being trademarked.
Submit a drawing or specimen of the trademark.
Offer the date of the first use of the trademark.
Trademark requirements can also refer to the conditions that are necessary for a product to receive a trademark.To be eligible for a trademark, a mark must be: